Fort Garry MB Church - Winnipeg, Canada

David the Anointed - Pastor Carl Heppner

Fort Garry MB Church Season 4 Episode 1

When Saul disobeyed God’s commands, his anointing as God’s servant to lead Israel was
revoked. God directs Samuel to anoint a new king, David. He was the youngest son who
tended to the sheep and was known for his musical talent. Why did God choose him? Because
of his heart – a heart of worship, devoted to God and with unshakable faith in the power of
God. Unlike Saul who was chosen because he was admired by others for his appearance – like
the kings of the nations, David was chosen because of his desire to serve God well.
How does this connect with our lives today?

Scripture: 1 Samuel 16,  1 John 2:20

 Pastor Carl kicked off our summer sermon series, "Messy Flawed and Faithful",  focusing on the life of King David.