Fort Garry MB Church - Winnipeg, Canada

David the Musician - Brooklyn Friesen

Fort Garry MB Church Season 4 Episode 4

From a young age David was known for his musical talents. He was so skilled that he was
invited to be one of King Saul’s court musicians. We have received a great legacy of faith
through David’s songs of which there are at least 75 in the book of Psalms. These texts portray
an authentic and profound expression of his faith, his doubt, his questions, and his praise.
How does this connect with our lives today?

Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:14-23

Even though the scriptures tell us that David was a man after God’s own heart, we also find that he made some significant mistakes along the way.  However, when confronted with his sin, he always turned back to God and has become an example of true repentance and faithfulness for us.  In this sermon series we will be doing a character study of David and apply insights from his life to our own walk of faith.